Online Encyclopedia of American Silver Marks
Historical Catalogue Series
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| The Historical Catalogue Series
The Historical Catalogue Series is a collection of professionally reprinted silver trade catalogues from 1888 - 1910.
The series was started to make research and reference material on silver flatware and hollowware more easily available to a greater number of people. Most of the original catalogues in this series can only be found in museums or in private collections and are not readily accessible to most individuals.
These catalogue reprints will be of interest to museum curators, appraisers, historians and antique dealers. Scholars will find them a necessity. Collectors will especially find them useful in determining the use and names of certain lesser known pieces of sterling.
- There are 10 catalogues in the Historical Catalogue Series:
- 1) 1898 Gorham Strasbourg

- 2) 1901 Daniel Low & Co.
- 3) 1904 Unger Brothers
- 4) 1910 Towle Old Colonial
- 5) 1896 Whiting Manufacturing Co.
- 6) 1888 Gorham Manufacturing Co. SOLD OUT!
- 7) 1910 Gorham Strasbourg
- 8) 1910 Gorham Buttercup
- 9) 1898 Towle Old Colonial SOLD OUT!
- 10) 1905-1906 Unger Brothers Supplement
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1898 Gorham Strasbourg

This 1898 Gorham Strasbourg catalogue was the first catalogue published for the Strasbourg pattern and illustrates 116 different pieces and all 116 pieces are identified by name and pictured in actual size so that you may hold up a piece to the catalogue to see if it matches. Some of the 116 different pieces illustrated are the asparagus tongs, cheese server, bon bon scoop, chocolate muddler, fish fork, orange spoon, horseradish spoon, ice tongs, macaroni knife, pastry fork, saratoga chips server, sugar sifter, salt spoon, tomato server and waffle knife. This is only 15 of the 116 different pieces identified in this old catalogue.
The original catalogue is 20 pages plus we have added a copy of the original patent record, an index, an introduction by Samuel Hough, and a copy of a hand written letter from the son of the original designer of the Strasbourg pattern for a total of 27 pages plus the cover. As a supplement, we are including 7 pages of transcribed records from the original Gorham Costing Records. If you are a collector of Strasbourg sterling silver, you will find this catalogue to be very useful.
$22.95 postage paid.
1901 Daniel Low & Co.

This is a beautifully reprinted 1901 Daniel Low & Co. catalogue with 168 pages illustrating over two thousand different pieces. This is the company that sold the Salem Witch souvenir spoon, but did you know they also sold the Salem Witch on jewelry like brooches, cuff links, hat and scarf pins? Other items illustrated are solid gold brooches, pendants, hat pins, scarf pins, cuff links, pocket watches, lorgnette and watch chains, fobs and rings. Also illustrated are sterling silver toilet sets, novelties and silverware. Of the novelties, there are chatelaine bags and purses, match safes, sewing items, bookmarks, golf articles, leather items, desk items, brooches, bracelets and even more jewelry. There are several pictures of Unger Bros. jewelry items.
There is a 40-page section on sterling flatware and hollowware. The flatware illustrated includes Towle's Old Colonial (31 pieces), Canterbury (5 pieces), Old English (3 pieces), Georgian (5 pieces) and Newbury (19 pieces), Whiting's Louis XV (24 pieces), Durgin's Dauphin (32 pieces) and Madame Royale (25 pieces), Gorham's Lancaster (27 pieces) and Strasbourg (4 pieces), Dominick & Haff's Labors of Cupid (6 pieces) and New Kings (5 pieces), Shiebler's American Beauty (5 pieces) and Gothic (1 piece), Unger Bros.'s Narcissus (5 pieces), Mount Vernon's Josephine (29 pieces) and Apollo (10 pieces), Howard Sterling Co.'s York (5 pieces) and Frank W. Smith's Countess (25 pieces).
There are so many wonderful items illustrated in this catalogue that we can't list everything. If you want to know if something is illustrated in this catalogue, just ask and we'll be glad to let you know. $24.95 postage paid.
1904 Unger Brothers

This 200-page catalogue from 1904 illustrates 3,200 different pieces of sterling silver. There are 213 pieces of flatware illustrated in Douvaine (50 pieces), Fontenoy (36 pieces), Narcissus (53 pieces), Passaic (61 pieces) and more. Over 900 different pieces of jewelry are illustrated including 16 lorgnettes, 148 belt pins, 179 brooches, 180 waist sets, 246 hatpins, 39 tie clasps, 80 fobs, 110 link buttons (cuff links), 68 scarf pins, and 68 lockets. There are 207 hollowware items including tea sets, coffee sets, berry bowls, cups, bread trays, butter dishes, candlesticks, cheese holders, Tabasco Sauce holders, shaving items, umbrella handles, flasks, matchsafes, shoe horns, tooth brushes, tobacco items, pin cushions, mustard cups, vases, baby rattles, bookmarks, whistles, Vaseline jars, floss cases, key rings, bag tags, puff jars, corks, funnels & more. The foreword is written by Ulysses Grant Dietz, Curator of Decorative Arts at the Newark Museum. Unger Brothers Biography written by Janet Zapata, Jewelry Historian. Indexed. 7" x 10" (ISBN 0-9656139-3-3) $59.95 postage paid.
1910 Towle Old ColonialThere are over 150 different pieces of flatware and hollowware illustrated in this 78-page catalogue reprint. Did you know that they made a trout fork and trout knife in this unusual pattern? Or a covered butter dish? This catalogue allows the reader to identify those unusual pieces in this popular pattern. Indexed. The softcover version (ISBN 0-9656139-0-9) is $23.95 postage paid and the hardcover version (ISBN 0-9656139-1-7) is $33.95 postage paid.
1896 Whiting Mfg. Co.
This 60-page catalogue illustrates over 700 different pieces of flatware, hollowware and other miscellaneous items in the following patterns: Louis XV (185 pieces), Heraldic (55 pieces), Imperial Queen (156 pieces), Lily of the Valley (3 pieces), Hyperion (43 pieces), Oval Twist (61 pieces), Empire (125 pieces), Ivory (25 pieces), Dresden (5 pieces) and Bead (81 pieces). See fried egg servers, glove stretchers, bookmarks, egg spoons, sardine tongs, paper cutters, dresser sets, cheese forks, and much much more. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only Whiting catalogue that has ever been reprinted. Indexed. 12.175" x 10.25" (ISBN 0-9656139-2-5) $24.95 postage paid.
1888 Gorham Mfg. Co.This 40-page catalogue shows some of the most unique Victorian flatware ever produced by the Gorham Manufacturing Company. Illustrated are Versailles (16 pieces), Old Medici (8 pieces), Cluny (14 pieces), Old Masters (10 pieces), Colonial (20 pieces), St. Cloud (18 pieces), Jac Rose (9 pieces) as well as even more silver. This catalogue shows the early differences between many pieces such as the salad and fish forks. Additionally, it shows a broad overview of what was available across many different lines in a time of opulence. Indexed.
1910 Gorham StrasbourgThis 12-page catalogue illustrates 69 different pieces in this pattern originally patented in 1897. Some of the more unusual items illustrated are the tea maker, butter pick, sandwich tongs and terrapin fork. Buttercup collectors will also find the 1910 Gorham Strasbourg Catalogue helpful as their is much crossover between the two patterns. Indexed. $8.95 postage paid. 8" x 10.5" [Note: This is one of the most popular patterns ever.]
1910 Gorham ButtercupThis 12-page catalogue illustrates 59 different pieces such as the ramekin fork, chips server, relish fork, chocolate spoon, ice cream fork, dessert fork and vegetable spoon.Buttercup collectors will also find the 1910 Gorham Strasbourg Catalogue helpful as their is much crossover between the two patterns. Indexed. $8.95 postage paid.
1898 Towle Old ColonialThe 1898 catalogue is the earliest known catalogue for this pattern first manufactured in 1895. There are 108 different pieces of flatware illustrated in this catalogue. If you collect this beautiful pattern you may also be interested in the 1910 Old Colonial Catalogue as Towle changed several pieces in the early years such as the salad fork and ice spoon. SOLD OUT!
1905 Unger Bros. Supplement The 1905-1906 Unger Bros. Supplementary Catalogue Reprint. This 64-page catalogue reprint is filled with completely different designs and completely different items than what is illustrated in the 1904 Unger Bros. catalogue. Introduction is by Ulysses Grant Dietz, Curator of Decorative Arts, The Newark Museum. Preface by Dorothy Rainwater, author of "The Encyclopedia of American Silver Manufacturers". This previously unknown catalogue was recently discovered and provides some wonderful insight into the Unger Bros. Indexed. 8 1/2" x 11" (ISBN 0-9656139-5-X) $29.95 postage paid.
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